Where The Casing Puller Is Employed

By Enid Hinton

One of the steps in dealing with oil extraction is the drilling of a well. Once drilling has been done, there is the need to have the well cased and the casing of the well requires the casing puller, also termed lift nubbin or the lifting cap. The well needs to be cased to prevent the leaking of the oil into the soil during pumping and the contamination of the oil by fluids or mud from the sides of the well.

When a well has been drilled, a significant amount of pressure is used up in order to go beyond the layers of the earth, including the lithosphere, to reach the oil below. This pressure needs to be monitored constantly. Otherwise, the well could collapse and cave in on itself thus closing off the oil stream. The insertion of a tube into the bore of the well will strengthen the annulus and reduce the possibility of the walls caving in.

The crude oil which is extracted for the earth needs to be of a consistently high quality. This may not happen if underground water is allowed to flow into the oil reservoir and get mixed in with the oil. The casing of the well from the very beginning will prevent this from happening and you will be able to vouch for the quality of the oil. The pipe will prevent any contact with other materials and mixing with any liquids.

Crude oil needs to be of the same consistent high quality as that which is in the earth's reservoir. You have to be careful that underground water does not find its way into the oil reservoir, and becomes mixed with the oils stream. To prevent this, as well as contact with any fluids and substances, the casing of the drilled hole needs to take place before you start extracting the oil. If the steel pipe is not installed in the borehole, the quality of oil extracted will be compromised.

Once the pipes are placed in the well all the way to the reservoir, a test run is done. This is to make sure that the casing works and to clear away any debris that may be in it. In order to accomplish this, the drill bit is positioned in the pipes along with drilling fluid. A considerable amount of fluid is pumped to clean it.

Between wall of the well and the steel pipes there is a small space. The pipes cannot be left exposed and unsupported, so they must be fixed in order to be able to stay in position over a long period of time. To set the pipes, cement is poured into the space between the wall and the pipes (annulus) and then allowed to dry.

After each stage of the drilling process casing is carried out. It therefore means that cement is also added and that the drilling is also done in stages in conjunction with the inserting and cementing of the steel. This results in having the casings uniformly matched to fit from one stage to the next.

It is while drilling is taking place that any deficiency in the casing will become apparent. To correct this, an intermediate casing is needed. It is normally carried out when there's any sign of weakness at the first stage that may or may not be caused by the drilling and is intended to make the area strong.

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