All About Psoriasis Herbal Remedies

By Lelia Hall

Topical treatments, ultraviolet light therapy and pills and injections are some of the ways that modern science treats skin disorders. Psoriasis does not always respond to these treatments and if it does, the solution is not always permanent. The alternative is psoriasis herbal remedies that help patients live a normal life by relieving the harsh symptoms associated with the condition.

One of the herbs that have numerous applications in alternative medicine is aloe Vera. Extracts from the aloe plant are used to treat, alleviate the redness and scaly skins of patients. It has been in use for centuries to remedy various ailments. Doctors advise that the pill form should not be used for treating psoriasis. Its use is guaranteed at a composition of 0.5% and combined with other useful ingredients in an ointment.

Apple cider vinegar is a product used by millions of people on a daily basis. Apply organic apple cider vinegar to the scalp several times a week to relieve symptoms of itchy scalp. To prevent burning sensations after use, you may dilute it with water at a ratio of 1:1. Alternatively, you may rinse the scalp after the vinegar has dried. Do not use if the skin is broken or bleeding.

Chilli peppers are hot because of a chemical component they contain called capsaicin. Apart from making food hot, capsaicin is a pain reducing chemical. Its mode of action is through blocking nerve cells that sense and transmit pain to the brain. Using capsaicin on skin with psoriasis, it blocks prevents pain, redness, inflammation and scaling through blocking the relevant nerves.

Dead Sea salts also commonly known as Epsom salts are a medical alternative for treating psoriasis. Though unconventional, millions of people visit Israel to get treatment for their skin ailments in the Dead Sea. Epsom salts are available in stores and are soaked in bath water. The water should be warm, not hot and should be left for fifteen minutes before taking a bath. They work by reducing itching and scaling. After the bath, remember to moisturize the skin.

Tea tree is a plant that produces tea tree oil. The oil is thought to be antiseptic and once applied to the skin may relieve itchiness and inflammation. Some people may be allergic and therefore, one should be cautious before trying it out. Turmeric is an herb widely used for its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative characteristics. It has also been found to minimize psoriatic flares in patients when taken either in pill form, supplements or in curries.

Lastly, Mahonia Aquifolium or simply Oregon grape is an herb that has found widespread application because of its antimicrobial nature. The herb has been found to influence immune responses. On psoriatic skin, only 10% concentration in ointments is required to soothe mild and moderate forms of psoriasis. It requires monitoring and supervision by a physician.

In conclusion, psoriasis lives with a patient for almost their entire life because a cure through modern medicine is not guaranteed. As a result, patients have to manage the condition and its symptoms to survive. Herbs come in handy to relieve symptoms and even though most are still under study, many of them have been proven to reduce pain and inflammation.

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